Thursday, October 21, 2010

So much to share.

So many exciting food happenings have occured lately.
First of all, my cuticles are burning. I made this recipe, which requries mixing the patty mixture with your hands. I altered the recipe a bit and added hot peppers and red pepper flakes...which is why my cuticles are burning. Pictures will come later. Pictures of the burgers, not my cuticles.

So first, my pizza. The pictures are going to be sparse, as my extra slow internet hates me and my picture uploading.
I used Flatout bread which is soooo freakin tasty! I added spicy red pepper hummus, mozarella cheese, 1 inch pieces of asparagus coated in olive oil, sliced cremini, halved cherry tomatoes, and parmesan cheese. internet is being ridiculously slow and is not letting me upload any more pictures...GRRR!!!
Just imagine the pizza toasty and delicious-looking with more melted mozarella on top. It was so good...and yes, I ate the whole thing. :)
I'll be back with more pictures when I'm on the megabus tomorrow. Free wifi! :) Hopefully it's fast.

Have any exciting food happenings occurred in your life lately? Do tell!

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