Wednesday, December 22, 2010

New Beer Tuesday

I don't know why I've been writing New Beer Tuesdays on Wednesdays lately, but just roll with it.
I bought this New Glarus Raspberry Tart not knowing what I was in store for. Thinking it would be similar to Dogfish Head's Fort, I picked it up for Andy's and my "Christmas" last night.

What a treat! This was so delicious that I had to stop myself from gulping it down. It was not like DFH Fort at all though, which was fine. I think the Fort had 18% alcohol, and this only had 4%. The taste was perfectly tart with just a tiny hint of sweetness. Delicious raspberry goodness. There were so many tiny little bubbles that it was like drinking champagne! I'm thinking of getting some for New Year's to share at midnight. Ignore the dried corn flake on my counter...and the pile of dishes. At least they're clean!
Beer Advocate gives it an average of an A. Cool! I really could drink this all night. It wasn't filling at all and was just so tasty. If you see this, buy it!  

Our "Christmas" was lots of fun, but slightly tainted by AAA losing my car that I sold yesterday. Long, terrible story. Santa even came to my little apartment! I asked Andy to move the presents under the tree while I was taking a picture, and he said, "I did." 
Yeah, okay.

The flashless picture makes it look like I have yellow walls...

After our presents, beer, and dozens of phone calls to AAA, the towing company, and the police, we head to House of 1000 Beers where I...
drank my 16th draft!! I got an awesome shirt, and I'm wearing it proudly today! Only nine more 'til I get my name on the wall! Now that I have my shirt, if I wear it during the weekend, I get a dollar off drafts. Pretty sweet!

Soon I'll be posting Lee's AMAZING menu for Christmas dinner...stay tuned!

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